Using the Clip Inspector

In the Inspector , select the Clip tab to view and edit settings for the selected clip.

Click a clip to select it, and the Clip tab is displayed automatically if the Inspector is visible.





Type a value in the Name box to set the name of the selected clip. The name you type here will be displayed in the clip:


Displays the source file name for the selected clip.

When a clip from a Catalyst Prepare library () is selected, you can click the Refresh button to update the clip's properties from the Catalyst Prepare library.

You can also click the Clip button below the timeline and choose Refresh from the menu.


Displays the name of the folder where the source clip is stored.

Click the folder name to open the location in Windows Explorer or Finder.


When a clip from a Catalyst Prepare library () is selected, the Library box displays the name of the clip's source library.

Click the name of the library to open it in Catalyst Prepare and select the clip. If you perform color correction in Catalyst Prepare, click the Refresh button to update the clip.

You can also click the Clip button below the timeline and choose Open library.cpreplib from the menu to open it in Catalyst Prepare and select the clip. .


When a clip with audio and video streams is selected, you can click a button to indicate which streams should be included in the timeline.

  • Click Audio to include only the audio stream. The video thumbnails will be hidden in the clip and excluded when you render your project.

  • Click Video to include only the video stream. The audio waveform will be hidden in the clip and excluded when you render your project.

  • Click Both to include the audio and video streams in the clip.

The Streams controls are not displayed when an audio-only or video-only clip is selected.

When a track contains a single clip, the track header controls will also change to reflect the current Streams setting.





Click the value and type a new value to trim the beginning of the selected clip to the specified timeline position.

For example, if the current Start value is 0.00, typing 10.00 will move the beginning of the clip ten seconds later on the timeline.

If ripple mode is enabled, all subsequent clips will ripple automatically. For more information, see "Ripple edits."


Click the value and type a new value to trim the end of the selected clip to the specified timeline position.

For example, if the current End value is 60.00, typing 50.00 will move the end of the clip ten seconds earlier on the timeline.

If ripple mode is enabled, all subsequent clips will ripple automatically.


Click the value and type a new value to set the length of the selected clip. The clip's start point remains fixed on the timeline, and the clip's end is modified as needed.

If ripple mode is enabled, all subsequent clips will ripple automatically.

If you set a clip's length to zero, the clip is deleted from the timeline.

Source offset

Click the value and type a new value to set the start time of the selected clip. Adjusting the clip's source offset slips the clip's media within the clip: use a negative offset to slip the media to the left or use a positive offset to slip the media to the right.

For more information, see "Slipping clips."

Fade in length

If a clip is not crossfaded with the previous clip, click the value and type a new value to set the amount of time it takes the clip to fade in. If there are no clips on tracks below the selected clip, it will fade in from black. If a clip is on a track below the selected clip, the lower clip will be visible during the fade.

Editing this setting also affects the fade envelope on the clip. For more information, see "Clip fades."

Fade out length

If a clip is not crossfaded with the previous clip, click the value and type a new value to set the amount of time it takes the clip to fade out. If there are no clips on tracks below the selected clip, it will fade out to black. If a clip is on a track below the selected clip, the lower clip will be visible during the fade.

Editing this setting also affects the fade envelope on the clip. For more information, see "Clip fades."


Click the value and type a new value or drag the slider to set the opacity of a clip. Double-click the center of the thumb to reset the slider.

Using a setting of 1.0, a clip is completely opaque; clips on lower tracks are not visible. As you decrease the setting, a clip becomes more transparent, allowing clips on lower tracks to show through the clip.

Editing this setting also affects the fade envelope on the clip. For more information, see "Clip fades."


Click the value and type a new value or drag the slider to set the playback rate of a clip. Double-click the center of the thumb to reset the slider.

A setting of 1 will play at normal speed, while 0.5 will play at half speed. A setting of 0 will create a freeze-frame effect using the first visible frame of the clip.

Each video clip in your project has a specific duration that is not changed by adjusting the playback rate. If you decrease the speed of a ten-second video event to .5, only five seconds of video will be shown. On the other hand, if the speed is increased to 2, the ten seconds of video will play in only five seconds. The remaining five seconds of the clip will be filled either with a freeze of the last frame or with ten additional seconds of video content from the media file (if the source media is longer than the clip).

Audio mode

Choose a setting from the drop-down list to choose how audio is stretched when you adjust the playback rate of a clip.

  • None: to time stretching or pitch shifting is applied.

  • Time stretch: audio is time-stretched to match the clip's rate, but the playback pitch is preserved.

  • Pitch shift: audio is time-stretched to match the clip's rate, and the playback pitch is raised or lowered to match the rate (faster playback raises the pitch; slower playback lowers the pitch).


Click the value and type a new value or drag the fader to adjust the volume of each audio channel in the selected clip. Double-click the center of the thumb to reset the fader.

Editing this setting also affects the fade envelope on the clip. For more information, see "Clip fades."

When adjusting volume, remember to watch your audio meters. Because you are adding the volumes of all of the tracks together, it is easy to clip the audio output. Make sure that the meters never display the red Clip indication during playback. For more information, see "Monitoring audio levels."

Channel Assignment

Click the speaker icon to turn a channel on or off .

Turning off a clip's unused channels allows you to remove those channels from the track list in the timeline.

Click the Mono or Stereo button to indicate whether a channel is a mono channel or part of a stereo pair. Enabling Stereo will pair the channel with the next channel in the list.

If you want to set all of a clip's channels at once, click the Channel Tools button and choose Set all to mono, Set all to stereo, or Reset.

Type a name in the edit box to identify the channel. For example, you might type Lav1 to identify audio from a lavalier microphone.

Channels that are named identically in the Timeline Inspector and Clip Inspector will be matched.

When you add a clip from a Catalyst Prepare library () to the Catalyst Edit timeline, any channel assignment settings that you made in the Catalyst Prepare library will be applied to the clip.


When a title clip is selected, you can use the Title controls to control the appearance of your title text. For more information, see "Adding title clips."

Video Effects

When the selected clip has effects applied to it, you can use the Video Effects controls to control the settings for each effect. For more information, see "Adding effects to a clip."

Click the Overlay button to show or hide a plug-in's interactive overlay controls in the video preview (when available).

Click the Mute button to bypass a plug-in without removing it from the chain.

Click the Delete button to remove a plug-in from the chain.

Drag a plug-in's heading to change its position in the plug-in chain.

Click the toggle arrow to show or hide each plug-in's controls.

When you select a position parameter in the Inspector, a control point () is displayed in the video preview. You can adjust the parameter's position by dragging the control point in the video preview or the Inspector: