Using the Timeline Inspector

In the Inspector , select the Timeline tab to edit settings for your project timeline.

Click an empty area in the timeline below the last track, and the Timeline tab is displayed automatically if the Inspector is visible.

When you add the first video clip to a project, the timeline settings are automatically adjusted to match the media properties. For more information, see "Adding media and creating clips."


Type a value in the Name box to set the title of the project.






Determines the frame size of your final movie when rendered.


Pixel aspect ratio

Type a value in the box to change the pixel aspect ratio of your project.

Computers display pixels as squares, or a ratio of 1.0. Televisions display pixels as rectangles (ratios other than 1.0).

Using the incorrect setting can result in distortion or stretching. Consult your capture/video output card's manual for the proper settings.

Frame rate

Type a value in the box to change the frame rate of your project. The ruler in the timeline is displayed using this frame rate.

The television frame rate in the US, North and Central America, parts of South America, and Japan (NTSC) is 29.97 frames per second (fps). In many parts of the world, including Europe and much of Asia, the television standard is PAL at 25 fps. France, Russia, and most of Eastern Europe use SECAM, which is a variation on PAL and also uses 25 fps.

Working color space

Choose a setting from the Working color space drop-down list to choose the color space that will be used to display your project. Choosing the correct color space ensures that you see your video in the proper color space as you work.

If you're using media from a Catalyst Prepare library (), ensure you're using the same Working color space setting in the Catalyst Prepare Options menu and the Catalyst Edit Timeline Inspector.




Sample rate

Choose a sample rate from the drop-down list to indicate the number of samples per second used to store audio. Your project audio is resampled automatically.

To use a custom sample rate, choose Custom from the drop-down list and type a sample rate in the edit box.

Channel setup

Channel count

Choose Stereo from the drop-down list to create a two-channel (stereo) project.

Choose Multichannel and type a number in the Channel count box to create a multichannel project.


Drag the fader to adjust the volume of the main output. Double-click the center of the thumb to reset the fader. You can double-click the numeric value to type a new value.

When adjusting volume, remember to watch your audio meters. Because you are adding the volumes of all of the tracks together, it is easy to clip the audio output. Make sure that the meters never display the red Clip indication during playback. For more information, see "Monitoring audio levels."


Click to mute/unmute your project's audio output.

Channel Output

Click the speaker icon to turn a channel on or off .

Click the Mono or Stereo button to indicate whether a channel is a mono channel or part of a stereo pair. Enabling Stereo will pair the channel with the next channel in the list.

If you want to set all of a clip's channels at once, click the Channel Tools button and choose Set all to mono, Set all to stereo, or Reset.

Type a name in the edit box to identify the channel. For example, you might type Lav1 to identify audio from a lavalier microphone.

Channels that are named identically in the Timeline Inspector and Clip Inspector will be matched.

When you add a clip from a Catalyst Prepare library () to the Catalyst Edit timeline, any channel assignment settings that you made in the Catalyst Prepare library will be applied to the clip.

Video Effects

When the timeline has effects applied to it, you can use the Video Effects controls to control the settings for each effect. For more information, see "Adding effects to the timeline."

Click the Overlay button to show or hide a plug-in's interactive overlay controls in the video preview (when available).

Click the Mute button to bypass a plug-in without removing it from the chain.

Click the Delete button to remove a plug-in from the chain.

Drag a plug-in's heading to change its position in the plug-in chain.

Click the toggle arrow to show or hide each plug-in's controls.

When you select a position parameter in the Inspector, a control point () is displayed in the video preview. You can adjust the parameter's position by dragging the control point in the video preview or the Inspector: